The use of Shrubbery in landscaping design provides beauty and embellishment to your garden as well as protection for your home. We offer a vast array of shrubs in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and textures as well as the right kind of shrubbery that be appropriate for the climate and direction of the sunlight.During your individual consultation, our Landscape Architects will carefully analyze your property and suggest a variety of shrubs that will work together with the other aspects of your customized landscape design so it all works together for the most attractive look offering the most eye-catching curb appeal. Our knowledgeable landscape specialists will help you select which ones will work best for your garden and create the most appealing look to complete your design.
Below you will find a library of the shrubs that will thrive in our North Texas environment. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free estimate, please contact A & H Landscaping at 214-729-6933.

Boxwood is a compact shrub that does best in partial to full sun exposure. Boxwood is usually clipped low hedges or they are shaped into globes, pyramids or containers. They have bright green leaves which change to bronze in the winter.

Pampas Grass
Pampas Grass requires a full sun exposure and very little water to thrive. Pampas Grass are fast-growing, clump forming ornamental grass that produce large showy plumes in the late summer that can be cut and dried for indoor use. They also have a high tolerance to wind, drought and poor soil conditions.

Blue Italian Cypress
Blue Italian Cypress requires full sun exposure. They have short branches which form a dense column. Blue Italian Cypress is generally used in a classic formal landscape design or as a distinctive specimen.

Garden Hydrangea are partial shade shrubs that are grown for their long-lasting pink and blue flowers that blossom in the early summer.

Dwarf Gardenia
Like the Gardenia, these miniatures are full to partial sun lovers that produce beautifully fragrant white flowers in the spring. Dwarf Gardenia make excellent borders, groundcover, and potted plants.

Red Yucca
Red Yucca are full to partial sun plants with narrow sword-like leaves and spikes of pink to red flowers. Red Yucca are long-lasting beauties that are extremely heat and drought tolerant.

Japanese Aralia
Japanese Aralia are tropical-looking and rounded shrubs which thrive in the partial sun and shady areas. Japanese Aralia has thick stems, dark green leaves that bring an exciting boldness to any landscape design.

Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon is a tall upright growing shrub with beautiful pink, lavender and red flowers. Rose of Sharon thrives in the partial sun to full sun areas that require low water usage.

Garden Hydrangea
Garden Hydrangea are partial shade shrubs that are grown for their long-lasting pink and blue flowers that blossom in the early summer.

Nellie R Stevens
Nellie R Stevens is a fast growing large shrub that thrives in partial to full sun exposure. This plant has dark green glossy leaves and can also be utilized as a tree.

Foster’s Holly
Foster’s Holly is a narrow, pyramidal holly that thrives in partial to full sun exposure. Foster’s Holly has dark glossy green leaves with a spiny margin and an abundance of rich berries in the fall and winter months. (One must plant a female and male specimen for berry production.)

Sea Green Juniper
Sea Green Juniper requires full sun exposure and has an arching fountain-like habit. These are perfect as an informal hedge.

Spartan Juniper
Spartan Juniper requires full sun exposure and is a fast growing dense grower with a pyramidal or columnar habit.

Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle is known as the “lilac of the South”. This is a small ornamental tree that is usually multi-trunked and a full sun lover. The Crape Myrtle has beautiful flowers all summer long. You can choose from colors of red, rose, pink, purple, or white.

Dwarf Crape Myrtle
Dwarf Crape Myrtle is much like the Crape Myrtle in that they thrive in the full sun exposure areas and have spectacular show of pink, red, purple, or white flowers throughout the summer months.

Miniature Weeping Crape Myrtle
Miniature Weeping Crape Myrtle thrives in the full sun areas and has the same flower as the Dwarf Crape Myrtle. This plant is great for borders.

Texas Sage
Texas Sage is a rounded shrub with silvery foliage that thrives in the full sun exposure areas. Texas sage also has orchid-lavender bell-shaped flowers. Texas Sage have a high tolerance for drought and poor soil conditions and can be used either as informal or clipped hedge. They can also be mixed in dry mixed plantings.

Chinese Privet
The Chinese Privet thrives in full to partial sun areas and is fast-growing shrub with variegated foliage. (For the best coloring results it is strongly recommended not to prune this plant very often.)

Loroepetalum is a bushy evergreen shrub that grows best in the partial to full sun areas. It has dark green to burgundy leaves throughout the season. Loropetalum is also sweetly scented with spider-like pink flowers that bloom in the spring. This plant also prefers moist well-drained soil that is high in organic matter.

Banana is a full sun exposure plant that is fast-growing and great for tropical landscape design. Banana freeze down to the ground in the winter months but quickly return in the spring.

Dwarf Nandina
Dwarf Nandina is a full to partial sun exposure plant that is grown for its brilliant color during the winter months. This is an excellent choice for low mass planting and borders.

Nandina( Heavenly Bamboo)
Nandina are upright plants which thrive in the full to partial sun areas. Nadina has cane-like stems and delicate foliage that turn brilliant shades of red, orange, purple, and yellow in the fall. They also produce bright red berries in the winter months. Nandina is perfect for hedge, screen or even container plants.

Oleander is a full sun exposure plant that is fast growing and available in a variety of colors that include yellow, pink, salmon, and red. Oleander is highly tolerant to drought, salt spray and poor soil conditions. Oleander is a perfect choice for screens, windbreak, background plantings or container plantings.

Dwarf Osmanthus
Dwarf Osmanthus is best suited in partial shade to shaded areas and is a small free-form plant that features variegated foliage, nice color, texture and contrast to shade gardens.

Pittosporum is a partial shade to full sun shrub that features glossy foliage and dense growth habit. Pittosporum also features fragrant creamy white flowers in the spring and are perfect for screens, mass planting, and informal hedges.

Dwarf Pittosporum
Dwarf Pittosporum is much like the Pittosporum in that they do best in the full sun to partial shade areas. They are a low-growing mounding shrub with glossy dense foliage. This is a great selection for borders and groundcover plantings.

Japanese Yew
The Japanese Yew is quite a versatile shrub that does great in all types of sun settings. It is an upright shrub with dark green narrow leaves that is ideal for screen planting, topiary, clipped hedge or container planting.

Indian Hawthorn
Indian Hawthorn is a dense spreading shrub with glossy leathery leaves and spring blooming flowers. Indian Hawthorn is available in pink, red, and white. This plan prefers areas full to partial sun.

Spirea is a popular flowering shrub that varies in form, height and flowering season. All are available in white, pink, and red flowers which bloom in the spring and summer. Spirea does best in the full to partial areas.

Yew is a slow growing compact spreading shrub that is used for hedges and screens in shade to partial sun areas.

Cleyera is a rounded upright shrub with dark glossy foliage and thrives in areas of partial sunlight. New growth is often bronzy-red and is used as an informal hedge or container plant.

Sweet Viburum
Sweet Viburnum is a large shrub with leathery, glossy dark green leaves and fragrant white spring flowers. Sweet Viburnum is great in the full to partial sun areas and can be used as a small background tree or screen.

Viburnum thrives beautifully in all sun conditions and are great plants for hedges and screens. Viburnum are beautiful shrubs which have a variety of leaf and flower forms that bloom in the spring.

Adam’s Needle Yucca
Adam’s Needle Yucca thrives best in full sun conditions with little water supply. Adam’s Needle Yucca is a small growing yucca with stiff narrow leaves and beautiful showy white flowers in the summer. Adam’s Needle Yucca is also extremely heat and drought tolerant.

Soft-Tip Yucca
Soft-Tip Yucca is a large growing multi-trunked yucca with soft leaf points, The Soft-Tip Yucca blends well with other tropical looking plants. It is also extremely heat and drought tolerant.